
The following committees are staffed with volunteers and board of trustees members. Some committees meet monthly, others meet as the need arises. Some committees have sub-committees that participate in specific activities. Additional volunteers are welcome.

Buildings and Grounds:  Ensure that the society's facilities are in good condition at all times, and that the surroundings, including grass, landscaping and general maintenance, are up to standards. This committee also reviews possible improvements to any and all society buildings.

Collection and Policy:  Review artifacts or archival materials as selected by the director for consideration of accessioning or de-accessioning.

Museum Display:  Discuss, design and implement new exhibits and displays that will continually enhance the aesthetics of the museum's collection.

Membership:  Discuss and implement ideas to increase society membership. Ensure that membership status is current and correct at all times. Prepare annual dues material for mailing to members.

Finance:  Review and discuss the society's financial status. Create fund-raising ideas and assist with fund-raising efforts.

Long-Range Planning:  Look to the future of the society and its museum. Prepare appropriate documentation providing direction of future activities.

Events:  Plan, organize and execute all society social functions, including member dinner meetings, after-hours events, open-houses, etc.

Education:  Provide education on Washington's history to the general public, with special emphasis on school children.

Library:  Coordinate activity between the Washington Historical Society and the Four Rivers Genealogy Society. Review and suggest changes as needed to library functions and resources in regard to best utilization and needs of space both current and future.

Golf:  Plan and execute annual golf tournament. Acquire sponsorship, prizes and oversee activities during tournament.